bet36365体育 embraces diversity and accepts people of all cultures because celebrating the differences in people leads to a more rewarding experience. Here, you’ll receive a quality education and world experience in a safe environment.

World map showing all 59 countries that bet36365体育 students come from.  Some of these include World map showing all 59 countries that bet36365体育 students come from.  Some of these include Spain, El Salvador, 加拿大, 阿曼, 危地马拉, 韩国, 古巴, 中国, 尼泊尔, 墨西哥, 和日本

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International Loper Scholarship

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Yusuke Nogi

"One of my favorite things about bet36365体育 is that they not only offer in class learning, but grant opportunities to apply what you've learned to a real business setting. I joined ENACTUS and became a manager of a student governed coffee shop on campus when I was a sophomore. I learned how to facilitate relationships with suppliers, make financial decisions, deal with HR issues, and come up with business strategies. The skills I gained at bet36365体育 have tremendously helped me at my current job as a Purchasing Administrator. I truly believe that bet36365体育 is one of the best schools that prepares students to become a successful business professional straight out of college."

Yusuke Nogi

F and P America Mfg.

Purchasing Administrator



bet36365体育 embraces diversity and accepts people of all cultures because celebrating the differences in people leads to a more rewarding experience. Here, you’ll receive a quality education and world experience in a safe environment. Interactive Viewbook

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